$customers[$__customerID]['currencies'])) $customers[$__customerID]['currencies'][$__currency_code] = 0; $customers[$__customerID]['currencies'][$__currency_code] += floatval(sprintf("%.2f",($__order_amount*$__currency_value))); $customers[$__customerID]['orders_num']++; } return $customers; } /** * remove recruited customer * * @param integer - customer id */ function affp_cancelRecruitedCustomer($_customerID){ $sql = " UPDATE `".CUSTOMERS_TABLE."` SET affiliateID = 0 WHERE customerID = ".(int)$_customerID; db_query($sql); } /** * return payments by params * * @return array */ function affp_getPayments($_customerID, $_pID = '', $_from = '', $_till = '', $_order = ''){ $sql = "select pID, customerID, Amount, CurrencyISO3, xDate, Description FROM ".AFFILIATE_PAYMENTS_TABLE." WHERE 1 ".($_pID?" AND pID = ".(int)$_pID:"")." ".($_customerID?" AND customerID = ".(int)$_customerID:"")." ".($_from?" AND xDate>='".xEscSQL($_from)."'":"")." ".($_till?" AND xDate<='".xEscSQL($_till)."'":"")." ".($_order?" ORDER BY ".xEscSQL($_order):"")." "; $result = db_query($sql); $payments = array(); while ($_row = db_fetch_row($result)){ $_row['Amount'] = sprintf("%.2f", $_row['Amount']); $_row['CustomerLogin'] = regGetLoginById($_row['customerID']); $_row['xDate'] = TransformDATEToTemplate($_row['xDate']); $payments[] = $_row; } return $payments; } /** * add new payment * * @param hash $_payment * @return new payment id */ function affp_addPayment($_payment){ if(isset($_payment['Amount']))$_payment['Amount'] = sprintf("%.2f", $_payment['Amount']); $sql = " INSERT ".AFFILIATE_PAYMENTS_TABLE." (`".implode("`, `", xEscSQL(array_keys($_payment)))."`) VALUES('".implode("', '", xEscSQL($_payment))."') "; db_query($sql); if(CONF_AFFILIATE_EMAIL_NEW_PAYMENT){ $Settings = affp_getSettings($_payment['customerID']); if(!$Settings['EmailPayments'])return db_insert_id(); $t = ''; $Email = ''; $FirstName = ''; regGetContactInfo(regGetLoginById($_payment['customerID']), $t, $Email, $FirstName, $t, $t, $t); xMailTxtTemplateSmarty($Email, AFFP_NEW_PAYMENT, 'customer.affiliate.payment_notifi.tpl.html', array( 'customer_firstname' => $FirstName, '_AFFP_NEW_PAYMENT' => str_replace('{MONEY}', $_payment['Amount'].' '.$_payment['CurrencyISO3'],AFFP_MAIL_NEW_PAYMENT) )); } return db_insert_id(); } /** * save payment * * @param array $_payment * @return bool */ function affp_savePayment($_payment){ if(isset($_payment['Amount']))$_payment['Amount'] = round($_payment['Amount'], 2); if(!isset($_payment['pID'])) return false; $_pID = $_payment['pID']; unset($_payment['pID']); foreach ($_payment as $_ind=>$_val) $_payment[$_ind] = "`".xEscSQL($_ind)."`='".xEscSQL($_val)."'"; $sql = " UPDATE ".AFFILIATE_PAYMENTS_TABLE." SET ".implode(", ", $_payment)." WHERE pID=".(int)$_pID; db_query($sql); return true; } /** * Delete payment * * @param integer - payment id */ function affp_deletePayment($_pID){ $sql = "DELETE FROM `".AFFILIATE_PAYMENTS_TABLE."` WHERE pID=".(int)$_pID; db_query($sql); } /** * Add commission to customer from order * * @param integer - order id */ function affp_addCommissionFromOrder($_orderID){ $Commission = affp_getCommissionByOrder($_orderID); if($Commission['cID'])return 0; $Order = ordGetOrder( $_orderID ); if($Order['customerID']) $RefererID = affp_getReferer($Order['customerID']); else $RefererID = $Order['affiliateID']; if(!$RefererID)return 0; $CustomerLogin = regGetLoginById($Order['customerID']); if(!$CustomerLogin) $CustomerLogin = $Order['customer_email']; $Commission = array( 'Amount' => sprintf("%.2f", ($Order['currency_value']*$Order['order_amount']*CONF_AFFILIATE_AMOUNT_PERCENT)/100), 'CurrencyISO3' => $Order['currency_code'], 'xDateTime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'OrderID' => $_orderID, 'CustomerID' => $RefererID, 'Description' => xEscSQL(str_replace(array('{ORDERID}', '{USERLOGIN}'), array($_orderID, $CustomerLogin), AFFP_COMMISSION_DESCRIPTION)) ); do{ if(CONF_AFFILIATE_EMAIL_NEW_COMMISSION){ $Settings = affp_getSettings($RefererID); if(!$Settings['EmailOrders'])break; $t = ''; $Email = ''; $FirstName = ''; regGetContactInfo(regGetLoginById($RefererID), $t, $Email, $FirstName, $t, $t, $t); xMailTxtTemplateSmarty($Email, AFFP_NEW_COMMISSION, 'customer.affiliate.commission_notifi.tpl.html', array( 'customer_firstname' => $FirstName, '_AFFP_MAIL_NEW_COMMISSION' => str_replace('{MONEY}', $Commission['Amount'].' '.$Commission['CurrencyISO3'],AFFP_MAIL_NEW_COMMISSION) )); } }while (0); affp_addCommission($Commission); } /** * Add commission to customer from commission array * * @param array - commission */ function affp_addCommission($_Commission){ if(isset($_Commission['Amount']))$_Commission['Amount'] = round($_Commission['Amount'], 2); $sql = " INSERT `".AFFILIATE_COMMISSIONS_TABLE."` (`".implode("`, `", xEscSQL(array_keys($_Commission)))."`) VALUES('".implode("', '",$_Commission)."') "; db_query($sql); return db_insert_id(); } /** * Delete commission by cID * * @param integer cID - commission id */ function affp_deleteCommission($_cID){ $sql = "DELETE FROM `".AFFILIATE_COMMISSIONS_TABLE."` WHERE cID=".(int)$_cID; db_query($sql); } /** * return commissions by params * @param integer $_customerID - customer id * @param integer $_cID - commission id * @param string $_from - from date in DATETIME format * @param string $_till - till date in DATETIME format * @param string $_order - order by this->...<-this * @return array */ function affp_getCommissions($_customerID, $_cID, $_from = '', $_till = '', $_order = ''){ $sql = "select cID, customerID, Amount, CurrencyISO3, xDateTime, Description, CustomerID FROM ".AFFILIATE_COMMISSIONS_TABLE." WHERE 1 ".($_cID?" AND cID = ".(int)$_cID:"")." ".($_customerID?" AND customerID = ".(int)$_customerID:"")." ".($_from?" AND xDateTime>='".xEscSQL($_from)."'":"")." ".($_till?" AND xDateTime<='".xEscSQL($_till)."'":"")." ".($_order?" ORDER BY ".xEscSQL($_order):"")." "; $result = db_query($sql); $commissions = array(); while ($_row = db_fetch_row($result)){ $_row['CustomerLogin'] = regGetLoginById($_row['customerID']); $_row['Amount'] = sprintf("%.2f", $_row['Amount']); $_t = explode(' ', $_row['xDateTime']); $_row['xDateTime'] = TransformDATEToTemplate($_t[0])